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F.a.q. di PS Play ByVoice

  1. PS Play ByVoice è un programma freeware?
  2. How many installations can I do with a single donation?
  3. Why Chrome tells me that the Setup file could be dangerous?
  4. If Holdem Manager is running PS Play ByVoice don't works
  5. Tables are visible, but the voice commands don't work
  6. I don's see the program icon... how can I manage the program?
  7. My anti-virus says the program contains malware!?!

  1. PS Play ByVoice è un programma freeware?

    PS Play ByVoice è un programma trialware: si può provare gratuitamente in tutte le sue funzioni per circa 45 giorni. Dopo questo periodo per utilizzare ulteriormente il programma è necessario inserire una password, che viene inviata entro 24 ore dal ricevimento di una donazione di 9,00 euro.
  2. How many installations can I do with a single donation?

    You can install the program in any PC you want, once logged PokerStars with your own UserName and PS Play ByVoice with the related program Code and Password..
  3. Come mai Chrome mi dice che il download può essere pericoloso?

    Come migliaia di files di installazione il file di Setup di PS Play ByVoice è in  formato .exe e correttamente il browser ti informa che questo tipo di files è potenzialmente pericoloso.
    Il programma è al 100% privo di virus e trojan. In ogni caso per essere sicuri è sempre buona norma scansionare i files .exe con un buon antivirus prima di lanciarli
    Per maggiore sicurezza puoi anche controllare l' installer con VirusTotal.
  4. If Holdem Manager is running PS Play ByVoice don't works

    HM has a more low level code than the PS Play ByVoice one and so it can block some functions of the program. In order that PS Play ByVoice can work while HM is running, please try:
    -Run both PS Play ByVoice, the PokerStars client and Holdem Manager with Admin privileges
    (right click on the program icons / Run as Admin)
    You can do this once (for each program) by:
    Right click them desktop icons / Properties / Shortcut... button Advanced / Check "Run as administrator" (Windows 10).

  5. Tables are visible, but the voice commands don't work

    It's not enough that tables are visible (in the foreground) for your eyes... them must be in foreground for the Operating System, and this not always happen. If the Voice Commands are enabled and don't work, click into a table to activate it.
  6. I don't see the program icon... how can I manage the program?

    If the icon is not visible it has been inserted from the OS in the window of the hided icons.

    Grab the PS PBV icon by your mouse and drag it to the Windows taskbar: from now it will stay there.
  7. My anti-virus says the program contains malware!?!

    My programs don't contain viruses or malware. However, since to interact with the gaming tables them use tens of Windows APIs, such as "GetForegroundWindow", "SendMessage" and many others... it's possible that some antivirus "see" some combination of these APIs as malware.
    Make a scan of the file with the most current antivirus via VirusTotal : you'll see that the absolute majority of antivirus programs (and especially the professional ones) will not detect any malware