Test your english pronunciation

By the test window you can test the default words that constitute the set of your voice commands. Default words are chosen from ones of the NATO military alphabet, usually well recognized also from poor quality microphones.

The words database of the Speech Engine it is composed only of the seven words of the grid. This mean that if you speak a word not present in the database can happen:

  1. that the word is not recognized ( unknown )
  2. that the word is recognized as a voice command, if quite similar, often with good accuracy. This is the bigger problem of every speech recognition engine and poor quality microphones. The default words of the NATO alphabet have few mistakes. Check eventual misreadings of your new custom words before to act with them.

Background cells of red color indicate that the voice command is not available (disabled by program or by Pokerstars settings). Disabled voice commands can be anyway tested to reach in any case the the better word recognition by the Microsoft Speech Engine V11.

The test window

The Test window has a 7 columns data grid:

Act Deselect to disable the voice commands by program even if them are enabled by PokerStars
Action The list of available actions, that must be set also as hotkeys in the PokerStars Lobby
PS Hotkeys The hotkey relating to the game action, as set in the PokerStars Lobby
Voice commands The set of NATO alphabet words related to each action
Enabled by PS Checkboxes that shows if the hotkeys are enabled by the PokerStars settings
Right diction Click to hear the right english GB pronunciation of the words
Change word Click here to change the word related to the button pressed

Note that the amounts of the three actions relating to the "BB Set" can be modified at will using the three text-boxes located just below the grid.

Click the test button to check directly your speech recognition. Here you can also test words related to disabled commands. Change the words if you constantly get a speech recognition lower than 60%.

If the checkbox "Show the little control window..." is checked, when the Test window is closed is displayed on the desktop a ingame control window, as shown at the bottom of the the 'Intro' window.

You can print to a .pdf file your voice commands. The file, named: "Voice commands.pdf " is stored in the folder "Documents / PS Play ByVoice 2". This feature is only available with Windows 10 or lather.