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CopyFolders: free and fast backup of new or modified files

CopyFolders is an easy to use freeware program that allows you to copy new or modified files from up to 9 selected origin folders to the same number of selected destination folders. Simply select one or more origin folders and the correspondent destination folders.

You can also save up to 6 previous versions of your files, so to eventually recover some changed data.

With CopyFolders backing up files is as simple as selecting a source folder and a destination folder.

Clicking one or more row numbers you can backup only files of the selected rows. See the program Help.

Main window of CopyFolders Click to wiev in full size

Program is very easy to use. However, a complete Help file is available via the program menu (red arrow on the side) or by this link. How to open the help menu

You can also automatically launch the program at fixed times through the 'Task Scheduler' of the Control Panel / Administrative Tools.