To close a sticky (saving or deleting it)

You can close a stiky in two ways:

  1. Saving its data
  2. Permaently deleting all its data

Note: a sticky without text is deleted anyway

Close and save data

You can close a sticky and save its data in two ways:

Closed stickies are saved on disk in separate files, depending on whether the alert is set or not ('Stickies with alert' or 'Outdated stickies').

Both data of the two types of closed stickies can be retrieved at any time through their respective windows (List of stickies with alert and List of outdated stickies).

Permanently delete sticky data

To permanently delete a sticky (all data will be lost) simply:

  1. While the sticky is open on the desktop:

    Grab it and move it lower than the bottom side of the monitor

  2. Once the sticky has been closed: